Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Typography Homework 4/27

Journal 12-

Paula Scher- Syncopated is when everything is in order but one thing is off. She used that for a Jazz place. I like how she is very get to the point. She said she uses her first idea or second and if she doesn't get it on the second she doesn't use it. She created the Citi logo and her first idea was the one that worked. I hope that one day logo design for me or design at all will be that easy. I would ask how long will that take me?!

Pentragram- All about all the people who left and joined the Pentagram in the first few minutes. Pentagram exists for the partners to make what they want to make. "Constant process of renewal." P into 18 pieces representing each partner. They really value their partners though.

James Victore- He is a poster designer from NY. Really good stuff. Kind of dark. Especially the creepy background music. I would ask him where his ideas come from.. what makes him think of the things he does, is he more of an illustrator or designer or a mix?

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