Define the word "grid"? – A grid breaks space or time into regular units or also a pattern of regularly spaced horizontal and vertical lines. An effective grid is not a rigid formula but a flexible and resilient structure. Frutiger’s grid is a numbering system that distinguishes the width and weight of each of the Univers family’s 21 original cuts. It can be used to make the type selection a simpler process.
Why do we (designers) use a grid? What are the benefits or functions? -- The grid was designed to eliminate confusion caused by different naming systems of typefaces, as well as to make type selection simpler. The benefits are that type selection is simpler and more useful. It can be understood and used as a productive design tool within a short space of time.
What is a modular grid? – A modular grid has consistent horizontal divisions from top to bottom, in addition to vertical divisions from left to right. The modules govern the placement and cropping of pictures as well as text.
Define and illustrate: margins, columns, grid modules, flow lines, and gutter. – A margin is the edge or border of something, or the blank border on each side of the print on a page. A column is a vertical division of a page or text. A grid module is constructed of four columns and four rows to arrange text in many different ways. A gutter is the blank space or inner margin from printing area to binding.
Define: hierarchy – Hierarchy is the logical way to express the importance of different text elements through visual organization.
How are ways to achieve a clear hierarchy? – An example of achieving a clearer hierarchy would be putting the more important elements in the top right corner in a larger and bolder typeface.
Define the type family and the type styles. – A type family is a group of related typefaces that include many separate fonts. The typeface may belong to a larger type family that includes condensed and extended versions and display faces. Type styles include all the ways that a typeface can be modified. For example you can change it into bold, italics, bold italics, roman, or regular.
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